Syracuse Al-Anon Information Service
Service Center

Service Center Hours

Office is open on:

  • Thursday 1 - 4 pm
  • Friday 1 - 3 pm
  • Please call ahead to ensure a volunteer is on site.

AIS Meeting Information

The Syracuse AIS is a source for the suffering families and friends of alcoholics by helping them find local meeting information. The AIS updates and publishes meeting schedules, maintains a 24-hour answering service, serves as a clearinghouse for public information, maintains a web site, and houses the local Literature Distribution Center.

What is Syracuse AIS?

The Syracuse Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) is a local service center established by Districts 3, 15, 18, 21, & 28 to coordinate outreach activities and facilitate communication. The Syracuse AIS performs (but not limited to) the following services:
Maintains a listing in the local telephone directory, providing a telephone number for those seeking information about Al-Anon and Alateen.
Maintains an office address for listing with the World Service Office. In this way, potential members may be referred without revealing the name, address, or telephone number of any Al-Anon/Alateen member or individual.
Channels inquiries to the nearest group.
Serves as an avenue for public outreach.
Maintains a stock of Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and is registered as a Literature Distribution Center (LDC).
Holds periodic meetings attended by all the Information Service Representatives where activity reports are made and notes are taken on matters affecting groups. Group problems are discussed in the light of the Twelve Traditions.

How Does It Work?

All interested Al-Anon members are invited to attend Syracuse AIS meetings with voice. However, AIS voting member shall consist of AIS Officers/Coordinators and one representative from each group in Districts 3, 15, 18, 21, & 28. The AIS Chairperson services as the communication link between the AIS and the New York North Area Assembly (NYN). Experience has shown that the AIS can be a function of districts, providing a network of communication and by supporting local groups.

What Can I Do?

Volunteer to work at the Service Center answering phones.
Volunteering to serve on a committee.
Place orders for literature with the local LDC.
Local meeting schedules.
Monetary individual and/or group donations.
Anyone can contribute in the Service Center by sharing your experience, strength, hope and love of the program by participating in monthly AIS meetings at the Service Center.

AIS Positions and Duties

1) Basic knowledge and experience of bookkeeping and accounting is necessary.
2) Keep up to date accurate records
3) Be familiar with financial and treasury guidelines as set forth in the Service
4) Attend all AIS meetings.
5) Prepare an accurate report for each AIS Meeting and email the report to the
6) During October, Treasurer works on the Preliminary Budget for the next Fiscal
7) Submit AIS Budget at the December AIS Meeting for approval by vote.
8) All Officers and Coordinators must submit original receipts for expenses to the
AIS Treasurer for reimbursement.
9) Issue checks to Officers and Coordinators for submitted expenses.
10) Receive contributions from groups. Record and deposit all contributions.
11) Pay all AIS bills (rent, phone, Zoom, insurances, etc) in a timely manner and
maintain receipts.
12) All records and receipts must be available upon request.
13) Review LDC checking account monthly using bank’s online access. Reconcile
numbers with LDC Coordinator reports.
14) Update signers for all bank accounts when new Chairpersons and/or
Coordinator is elected (Chairperson, Treasurer, Literature Chair)

1) Be familiar with G-4 (Al-Anon Guidelines for Information Services) Own and use
the Al-Anon / Alateen Service Manual P 24/27).
2) Attend AIS Meetings.
3) Responsible for the keys to the Center and making sure key is available for
volunteers to serve their shifts.
4) Keep Volunteers informed and provide up to date information on activities.
5) Arrange volunteer time as convenient to their schedule.
6) Train Volunteers.
7) Be available for questions, problems, and other changes.
8) Support volunteers in returning voice mail calls.
10) Direct meeting change requests to the WSO group records form.
11) Prepare report for the AIS Service Center activity and email to AIS Secretary.
12) Procure needed office supplies for the Service Center and submit receipts to
AIS Treasurer for reimbursement.
13) Distribute mail.
14) Only make paper copies as necessary.
15) Maintain contact with the Web Coordinator for meeting updates and new

1) Skills in taking minutes, typing, word processing, or desktop publishing are
2) Follow guidelines for Secretary as set forth in the Al-Anon/Alateen Service
3) Attend, take minutes of all AIS Meetings and distribute minutes electronically.
4) Post all AIS Officer/Coordinator reports to AIS Google Drive. All reports require
one consistent file name (ie: minutesYYYYMMDD).
5) Maintain 2 distribution lists for AIS: one for all AIS Officers and Coordinators
and one for all Officers, Coordinators and Trusted Servants.
6) Email members on the AIS distribution list a reminder of the AIS meeting and
include a link to the AIS reports on the website.

7) At the AIS meeting, ask for input from the prior meeting minutes for
corrections and vote for approval of the minutes. Keep a corrected copy of the
minutes on the AIS website which will be archived.



1) Be familiar with G-9, G-10, G-14, G-22, G-27, G-29, and especially G-38. Own and use the Al-Anon / Alateen Service Manual (P 24/27)

2) Attend A.I.S. Meetings.

3) Keep in contact with the New York North Public Outreach Coordinator

4) Present a verbal report at the AIS Meeting and email report to the AIS Secretary.

5) Set up plan to initiate and implement Public Information projects, through cooperation with the groups or the districts.

6) Carry the "presence" of Al-Anon - take literature to professional and institutional waiting rooms.

7) Participate when requested to inform the fellowship of opportunities in Public Outreach at the group level.


Syracuse AIS Officers/Coordinators

Contact us to learn more.
Chair Kristi S. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Co-Chair Lori G. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secretary Marguerite  
Treasurer Bill Z. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alateen Vacant  
Archives Jim M.  
Literature Jim M. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Public Outreach Eva G. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Service Center Paul W.  
Remote Phone Volunteers  All positions filled  
Website Amanda S.